Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmases Past

I was just thinking about Christmases past...

1976 I remember getting an engraved angel necklace charm from my maternal grandparents. It's the only thing I clearly remember my grandma Elsie giving me. (She died in 1979).

1980 I remember getting a Barbie who was a ballerina -- she had a beautiful tutu and built in crown. I was thrilled.

1983 Cabbage Patch Kids came out and even though I was in 4th grade, my mom's coworker had connections to get a doll. It was a Christmas surprise because my parents didn't remember where they hid it and I didn't get to open it until we'd be done opening gifts for a while.

1988 I went ice skating with my brother and my cousin Sylvia at Running Park while my mom was working at Fairview Southdale. I slipped getting on to the ice and broke my wrist. As soon as mom got home, she had to turn around and wait 4 more hours in the ER with me. They called in my brother's bone doctor (from when he broke his leg) -- he was at Mass and had to leave. I felt so bad about that.

1996 I was living in Guatemala and we (the single female teachers) were invited over to a school family's house for supper at midnight. No lie. Midnight. It was SOOOO fun. I got to sit next to grandma. All she could say in English was, "I was born in Chicago." At dinner they served Mogen David (dessert) wine and grandma kept telling me, "Es muy sauve..." Ha ha ha... don't have to tell ME twice to drink that wine.

1998 I was living in St. Louis and didn't drive home to MN because I had to sing in the church choir on Christmas Day. One of my seminary professors asked what I was doing for Christmas and when I told him that I would be staying on campus (I lived in a small guest housing room at that point), he immediately invited me over to his home and said his wife would be thrilled to have another person at Christmas dinner. True to his word, they were both very gracious hosts and there were other Seminarians at their house as well. After a wonderful meal and wine, his wife played Christmas hymns on the piano and we all sang along.

2003 I had just started dating Todd. He was in NY visiting his parents (his grandma and aunt were there too). Heidi & I went to Cross View to deep clean the high chairs in the infant room and all the toddler room chairs that were caked on with old jello and all kinds of crud. It was just a nice, relaxing time.

2005 Todd & I were newlyweds. We had purchased a pre-lit artificial tree the day after Christmas the year before so it was very fun to decorate our home.

2007 Kathleen's first Christmas. She was 9 months old. She received a lot of books and accidentally slammed her thumb in a book. She cried a lot but was fine. :)

Wow, so many blessings throughout the years.

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