Thursday, September 18, 2008


Well, I have another sinus infection. This one is REALLY bad. I still have pain in my jaw and I have been on antibiotics since Monday night. All the meds are taking a while to kick in and it's hard for me to sleep. I cough a lot and it's just not fun.

This is all just after I told one of the board members that I never take sick days. The difference here, though, is that I have no one else to care for Kathleen. So I work and work and then come home and take care of here. There is no rest time for me. I just can't keep up with it. I went from yesterday from 10-11:30 so I could nap. I had been up ALL night the night before with a cough and I was exhausted. I dropped Kathleen off at daycare at 8 instead of 7 today (she needed the extra rest too) and then had to meet with Dick Weniger from 9:30 - 11. He is the equivalent of a Superindendant of schools for us so I needed to meet him and talk about the school. Then I went back home and slept. I have no voice and it's so hard for me. I don't want to be at home. I want to be here at school. I slept for a couple of hours. Todd called (on purpose) so I could get up and get K from daycare. She had a rough day today too.

I did learn something new. For a month I've been lovingly making sandwiches or putting some ravioli or chicken breast or whatever in a container with some veggies and grapes or mandarin oranges. I would put a Go-Gurt in there... She LOVES those things... so I genuinely had fun packing her lunches. Then a day would come where I was out of something or we were running late and she would eat "hot lunch" -- and she'd eat BETTER those days! What I'd pack was what she'd eat well at home for supper... but apparently she didn't want that for lunch. So I bought the $.86 microwave "chicken nuggets and mac -n- cheese" meals -- and she LOVES those. I sent a lasagne one today because we were out of the chicken ones... she hated it... Live and learn. Cheap microwave meals (with an added Go-Gurt and some fruit) OR hot lunch for that girl. So crazy.

She is making strides in daycare. We get out of the house with NO blankets or snuggli or pacifier! She does have a pacifier at daycare and usually still needs it at naptime... somedays she gives it up after nap and somedays she doesn't. They are really working hard on teaching sign language and music. She does action songs and "sings" but I'm not sure what they are! It's pretty cute though. She can sign "please" and "thank you" in addition to "more" and "Milk" (which she already knew). They are working on learning colors, so I really have no idea now. It's very fun to watch.

I bought her some Crayola "TaDoodles" -- "markers" for toddlers. They make a huge mess... argh. BUT last night I stripped her down and put her in the empty tub. She could "color" anywhere and it washes away -- so that was a good solution. Next time we'll stick to the 'crayons'.

That's all for now. I'll post more pictures on dropshots as soon as I remember to bring my laptop over. Hope all is well with everyone else.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hope you feel better! We miss you in WI..........