Sunday, October 12, 2008

SNOW way!

Oh yes, that's right!
There has been SNOW here this weekend! It started as the heavy, wet stuff on Saturday afternoon when we left the office at melted right away so it wasn't too bad. We woke up this morning and the ground was COVERED. ACK! It's OCTOBER!!! But the parking lots are wet and it is supposed to be in the mid-50s by Thurs, so this won't last. Still, it's a shock to the system to see it this early in the year. Then again, when you live 5000 ft above sea-level, what do you expect, right? Did I mention that Kathleen managed to find EVERY puddle in the parking lot? Espeecially since she doesn't have boots yet? But she looks pretty adorable with her new outfit from grandma Barb and her blonde hair in curly pigtails.
Photo Captions: Kathleen outside with the snow/puddles; the school playground/soccer fields; K hamming it up in the hallway/entry to the offices.

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