Sunday, April 26, 2009

Every Scar Tells a Story

Today I did the children's message at my church. I decided to do something a little different for me. I had the kids sit on the steps and I stood with my back to the congregation. I think I was less nervous, or less distracted, that way and it went well.

My message was based on the Gospel lesson. Jesus visited the disciples in order to prove that he was raised from the dead and that he was truly alive and not some 'spirit' or 'ghost'. I took Kathleen's little pink glasses and put them on (which was comical since I have such a fat head) and asked, "Even if I wear these, can you still tell it's me?" (Obviously, they could). Then I put them on Kathleen and said, "If she wears these, can you still tell it's her?" (Same response). I told that Jesus appeared to his disciples to show that even if his appearance changes, he still is Jesus.

Then I showed them various scars on my arm. "This one is from when my cat scratched me in 10th grade...this one is from when I accidentally set a hot pan on my arm while a cook at camp... this one is from when I had chickenpox..." I pointed out about 6 or 7 total little scars from over the years. I asked if they had any scars. They all nodded and I said, "I bet you could tell me a story of how you got each scar too. Jesus had scars too. " Then I asked where his scars were and how he got them. I said, "Jesus was just like us, human. His disciples couldn't believe what they were seeing. They wondered if he was a ghost or spirit." Then I asked what he did to prove he wasn't one and they remembered that he ate a piece of fish (the Gospel lesson had just been read ). I said, "Would you believe that I brought each of you a piece of fish to eat too?!" Of course, all the adults giggled at this thought. Then I said, "No, just kidding. I did bring you something to eat but it's not fish." Then I handed out dum-dum lollipops and led a prayer.

I'd love to hear the stories that your scars tell -- and invite you to think of Jesus every time you tell someone about your own scar.

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