1. What is TokBox?
2. What is Skype?
3. What is a Wiki?
4. What is a blog?
5. What is a netbook? What does it feature? How much does it cost?
6. What is a podcast?
7. What is U-Stream?
8. What is YouTube?
9. What is School Town?
10. What is a GoogleDoc?
11. What is SketchUp?
12. How do you log in to an interactive calendar? Which websites offer them (name at least 2)?
13. How is typing different from handwriting and how is it similar?
14. How is powerpoint another form of making a presentation? Can the information on a powerpoint be done with magazines, poster board, etc?
15. How is internet research similar to research in a book and/or encyclopedia? How is it different?
16. Is a Smartboard any different that using a whiteboard?
17. Which class is the easiest to integrate technology into? Which class is the most difficult?
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