Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Enchanted Highway...

Oh, I forgot to mention that we passed by the "Enchanted Highway" in North Dakota (see Metal Geese sculpture)...

Check out this website for better pictures of the geese and some incredible other sculptures. How unbelievable! How cool!


Enjoying some yummmy but messy cherries (how cute is she?!)

Theodore Roosevelt National Park and North Dakota Badlands

Metal Geese Sculpture

Montana roads... Digging through mommy's wallet instead of eating... Hmmmmm, ketchup!.... Showing off how to pour out ketchup for fries...

Idaho Trip, Part III

It took a long time to pack and load the vehicle today (Wed), so we didn't get on the road until 9 a.m. Oh well, no hurry. We drove to Dickinson, ND (where a sign informed us we were now in Mountain Time Zone) and enjoyed the views of the North Dakota badlands. I didn't even know they HAD badlands around there! Then we arrived in Montana. WOW! It is soooo different than living in WI, that's for sure!!! Mountains -- but not like mountains in Colorado... lots of sage brush, cattle (angus beef), kind of dry and desolate looking.

We arrived at Billings MT around 2:30 p.m. MDT. We got settled into our hotel room, then went over to Cracker Barrel for supper. She enjoyed the small rocking-chairs out front. She didn't eat too much -- some fries if they had ketchup on them. And, oddly enough, if it had grape jelly on it. (Yeah, don't ask, I don't get it either!!!!)

We came back to the hotel and went for a swim in the outdoor pool. It had been plenty hot outside so the water was warm but the evening air was getting cool, quickly. We DID manage to find time enough to do a few "tricks" we'd learned the night before in Bismarck...

1) I put her on the outside of the pool. I count with/point with my fingers "1", "2", "3" and then say "Jump!" Of course, she had no idea what to do, so I'd pull her back into the water at that point... but she loved trying to count-down with her fingers (she manages the "1" and "2"... "3" is also with 2 fingers -- so cute!)...

....tonight she figured out that when I say "Jump!" she can take a step or two forward and fall into the pool. Naturally, mommy is right there to 'catch' her and she thought that was just the best thing ever!!

2) We practiced putting her head under the water. Yesterday she didn't figure out to close her eyes or mouth -- so we didn't do it more than twice because she'd get a mouthful of water and that didn't look too fun!

Tonight I would say, "Look at mommy!" and then I'd close my eyes and mouth and then say "Here we go -- under, under, under...." Then "1, 2, 3, go!" She managed to close her eyes every time and her mouth -- well, about 50% of the time. She LOVED it.

The air was getting a little chilly so we didn't stay in very long. We came back to the room and she had a warm bath with her duckies. Ahhhhh, so nice. :) Then I took a shower and we were ready to relax.

I planned to wash some clothes because K got cherry juice all over her brand new jammies this morning. The one and only washer was being used. Felt like being back in college again!!! We played and made some calls and then walked down there again to do laundry. Good thing I waited. While I was on the phone with daddy, K found a grape jelly package from supper tonight and managed to CHEW on it -- and get it ALL OVER her jammies! I should've taken a picture but she was SO sticky, I had to get her washed off. Now I *had* to do laundry! Luckily, the machine was open and someone left free detergent (with a note saying, "Please help yourself"). I put the clothes in the dryer but the note says it runs slow. Before I could check and put it on longer for the clothes that needed it, someone else had thrown them on the table. Ah, again, college days... So now I'm off to see if the dryer is free... and then go to bed.... I think it's going to take a day or two to get used to being an hour behind.


North Dakota adventures

The sign on I-94 at Fargo that says "Welcome to North Dakota" -- don't blink, you might miss it!

Swimsuit model!

Idaho Trip, Part II

Tuesday morning we left Minneapolis. It was hard to leave my mom's house. She rarely cries when I leave. Not when I left for college (or, rather, when she dropped me off at Concordia-Chicago), not even when I left for a year in Guatemala ( but she broke down in tears when we were leaving. Perhaps that's more because Kathleen will be so far away. Of course it made me cry.

I had just been thinking about how much harder it was to leave our friends than our family -- because I know that, at some point, I'm GOING to see family again. With friends I just don't have that guarantee and it's really hard for me to wrap my mind -- and my heart -- around that fact. \

We went for breakfast at IHOP with my dad and stepmom. K ate like a horse. Anything we put in front of her, she ate. It was unbelievable! I've never, ever seen her eat like that!

With our bellies full, I had plenty of energy to drive and K slept, slept, slept!! We stopped in Alexandria, MN (about 30 miles from where my mom grew up) because I had a pounding headache. We bought some tylenol at Walmart and then we were back on the road.

We stopped again at Jamestown, ND. I thought *maybe* she would be hungry since it was 1:30 or 2 p.m. I ordered a chicken McNugget meal for her. She ate one nugget. I ate one nugget and the apple slices (no dipping sauce). She screamed because I wouldn't let her hold the milk jug. When she did, she dumped most of it down the front of her shirt. Naturally. Oh well... Neither of us was very hungry, so we got back on the road.

Around 5 p.m. we finally made it to Bismarck, ND.
The hotel wasn't that great, but it wasn't that awful, either. We were on the second floor -- no elevators -- so that was fun carrying a toddler and luggage... UGH... but we survived.

We drove around town looking for a place to eat supper. We ate at Paradiso. ( K loved the free chips (I know, SHOCKING) and also ate some of the rice and beans that came with my chicken enchilada. What I really liked was that you can order just ONE enchilada. No huge platter of 3-5 different things! Just the right size. I also had a margarita. K got SO SO SO mad when I wouldn't share!

We got back to the hotel and went swimming. She LOVED it. We worked on jumping in from the side of the pool and putting her head under the water. She was SO funny. She wore her new baby Gap swimsuit. Adorable.

She finally managed to go to sleep around 10:30 p.m.!!! But she slept soundly and slept until 7 a.m.! YEA!!!

Bye-Bye Wisconsin...Hello Minnesota....

Bye-Bye Wisconsin....

Hello, Minnesota

Idaho Trip -- Part I

On Monday morning, Kathleen & I left Appleton around 7:30 a.m. to go to Minneapolis. It was so hard to say goodbye to Todd and Bucky. They had to leave a little earlier than usual so that Bucky could go to Tailwaggers ( so he'd be out of the way if there were any showings at the house.
We had a pretty uneventful drive out to Minneapolis. We went through the drive-thru at McDonald's in Stevens Point to pick up some breakfast. I was missing Jodie -- we stopped at McD's once or twice on the way to VBS in Luxemburg in mid-July and she would hand food back to Kathleen while I drove... I'm glad I can at least reach around and reach her carseat (even in the CRV) and K ate pretty well.
We made it to Minneapolis/Bloomington by noon. I'll post some pictures from the bridge crossing into Bloomington, right by Fort Snelling/cementary and by the MSP airport. I never get tired of that sight.
We went to lunch with uncle Ken, grandma Kathy and boppa (my stepfather Dewey) at Joe Sensers. ( -- just for my friends who love to check out menus online. ;) Hee hee hee!) YUMMMMMY!
We went to see grandpa & grandma Laabs so I could pick up one of their old cell phones because mine is completely DEAD. I couldn't figure out how to get it activated....
We went to the Outlet mall in Albertville to meet up with Beth, K's godmother. Beth is excellent at picking out adorable girl clothing -- so K came home with some new overalls, shirts, skirt, bathing suit (it is SO cute) and jammies. Good sales!!
We rushed back to the Twin Cities to meet up with some March mommies (they have kids born in March 2007 also and we post on the iVillage March Muffins message board)... I didn't check my email when I got to town and I didn't have a cell phone... so I went to Panera Bread in the mall and waited. And waited. And waited...
If I had been SMART, I would've brought my laptop into Panera since they have free wifi there... but no, I just waited... and then ended up leaving because I didn't see any mommies with toddlers...
Turns out they'd sent emails (after I'd already left home) that they were meeting NEXT DOOR at TGIFridays! DOH!!! Well, I guess next time we're in town we'll have to meet up with them!!
We ended up going out for supper with Ken and Courtney. We ordered fries for K but she filled up on free popcorn and the taco chips that came with my taco salad. As long as she's eating...
We slept at grandma Kathy's house that night.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

On the market

We met with Michele, our real estate agent on Saturday at noon. From 5 a.m. - noon we cleaned like mad people!!!

I really like her. She's high-energy and she's from the area, so she knows the area well and knows what people are looking for and what they're willing to pay.

Originally, we thought about selling the house ourselves. So far, I'm glad we didn't do that. First of all, we would've priced our house at least $5K under her minimum asking price!

Secondly, we wouldn't have even realized the few simple, easy things we could do to spruce up the house. We've done most of them already and they make a big difference!

We're asking $124,900 for our house. I know it seems like a lot -- but there are lots of newer things that have been added/updated in the past 5 years. Trust me, if you had seen this place when I first met Todd.... well, ewwww.... the carpet was nasty -- they had large dogs and smoked several packs a day... the walls were a chalky gray... the ceiling was leaking and falling down. We've made lots of repairs. We've put a lot of time, energy and love into making the house look the best that we can get it to look. Yes, there are still some home improvement things that could be done -- new windows, refinishing the wood floors, new siding on the garage -- but our agent is confident that we're still OK in our price range.

In fact, she's already had two people ask her about it because they overheard her talking about it yesterday!

As my mom says, "It only takes ONE buyer..." And Michele was here this evening to take pictures of the house. She's motivated to get our house on the website and get people out here to walk through it. We're really excited about it!

Keep sending prayers and positive thoughts this way.

I miss you all already! - Tanya

Friday, July 25, 2008

35 reasons why Thurs was, um, "fun"...

I had been up since 3:30 a.m. when K woke up screaming (eyes closed). Night terror?

1) Todd & I take both vehicles to the auto repair place. Drop off the CRV (they aren't open yet & have no drop box)
2) Take Todd to work (about 10 mins from there)
3) Go back to auto repair place to drop off the key. Little old man is working there. K is FLIRTING UP A STORM with him. Hilarious.
4) Go to opposite side of town (b/c we were close to the freeway) to buy bolt cutter at Home Depot. (We lost both keys to the MasterLock on Monday).
5) Go to storage unit (other side of town). Try to use bolt cutter. Am pathetically weak.
6) Go to the Home Depot that is closer to storage unit. K flirts up a storm with the two ladies at the Returns register. Hilarious.
7) Drop off items at Goodwill.
8) Nearly get run off the road by huge SUV on my way to the post office. Sticker on back says "Michigan school of engineering." I'm thinking, "Maybe you should engineer a way to get your HEAD out of ..." Nevermind...
9) Get to post office. Wrestle K into umbrella stroller, grab two huge boxes and a package to mail. Barely make it into the building. Engineering SUV lady walks in right behind us.
10) Go to library to pay a fine. Engineering SUV lady walks in (I'm NOT kidding) as we're walking out.
11) Come home. Cut the grass. K is in her umbrella stroller in the driveway, clapping, waving, laughing. Mommy is SOOOO hilarious.
12) Come inside. Pack. Check email. Pack. Check email. (We're asking people if they're interested in adopting Bucky. Not sure if he'll make the trip out there OR if we'd be able to find someplace to rent that will allow BIG dogs.) Deal with dog who is mad he's inside instead of outside. Deal with overly tired, clingy toddler.
Fun fun!
13) Put K down for nap. Phone rings.
14) Feed K lunch. Won't eat.
15) Put K down for nap. Phone rings.
16) Give up on naps altogether.
17) Race to Neenah/Theda Clark Hospital to meet with ENT dr. Put the dog in the car because the appt is only supposed to take 5-10 mins. We get there at 3 for a 3:15 appt.
(Rolled down the windows in car for the dog)
18) Am informed that dr is still in surgery. No idea when he'll be done.
19) Wait for 15 mins, then inform them I NEED to take my dog home and I'll be back in 30 mins or so.
20) Audiologist comes out to test her hearing at that point. Everything is GREAT.
21) Wait.
K plays with toys, walks around, blows kisses/waves to the few people waiting in the room. They all eat it up.
22) Go into exam room. Nurse takes info.
23) Wait.
24) Dr finally comes in, looks in both ears, says it looks 'perfect' and says to come back in a few months.
I inform him that we're moving. He says, "Oh, let us know if we need to forward her files anywhere." Super.
25) Swing by McD's because K is STARVING and crabby. She inhales 2 chicken nuggets. She holds them like they are sandwiches (w/both hands) when she eats them. SO super cute!
26) Go to pay for Todd's vehicle. Put K & Bucky in Todd's vehicle (more room than the Civic)
27) Go to Todd's work to pick him up. He says Co-worker's going-away party is still going on. (My cell phone is completely dead at this point).
28) Go home. See TWO FIRETRUCKS and FOUR police cars on our block. Barely room to get into our driveway.
29) K is finally asleep in the car, so I roll down windows and leave her there to ask neighbors what happened.
30) Someone -- either drunk or seizures -- raced down our street at 40 mph or so and struck a power pole 2 house down the street from our house. No power. No Cable. No way to call Todd!
31) Neighbor let me use his cell phone to call Todd. (Just wanted to set a time to pick him up later since he couldn't call me) He said, "Just come pick me up now,"

BUT I just got home!


32) Go BACK to Todd's work...
33) Get home.
34) Tired, crabby toddler makes packing impossible. We're all tired and crabby around here at this point.
35) I run away to go to water aerobics. Barely. Todd distracts K in the swing outside.

But it was worth it because swimnastics outside was AWESOME. I have so much fun there with my peeps. ;)


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hey! Sit!

What will you hear a lot of around our house? Other than "no"?


I never realized how much we say that to get Kathleen's attention or to refocus her attention elsewhere. We say it enough that she has started saying "Hey!" every now and then. It's pretty cute and very funny when it catches you off-guard.

Her favorite word the past couple of days?


She says it over and over and over and over and over again. Especially when she sees Bucky.

Poor Bucky dog. She's so used to 'growling' at the dog whenever she sees him. It's funny (to us) that now she tells him "sit"! I know we say that to him a lot -- when we want him to wait to go outside or when we are ready to give him his medication or a treat...

She is also picking up on and using sign language more and more. She will do the sign for "more" quite often. She is getting better with "milk" and "thank you" (although ty looks an awful lot like blowing kisses... oh well, still cute)!

We went to see "Night at the Museum" at the free movies today with Melissa and Jodie. Then Jodie went to Chipotle for free lunch with us. They are officially opening on Friday so to promote the restaurant, they are giving away free burritos today. YUM!!!!!

- Tanya

Monday, July 21, 2008

Tears of Joy

Well, saying "goodbye" sure is hard. I thought it was hard to say goodbye to (almost) everyone in our young adults group from Good Shepherd a week or so ago... but then I went up to St. Paul's in make a copy of some stuff that will useful for me at Hope... It was so hard to say goodbye to Kristen. I've said it before but it's so true -- working for Kristen was a true highlight of being at St. Paul's... I can only hope to be half as understanding, encouraging and loving as a principal as she has been/is to those of us on her staff. She is awesome!

Her last words to me today were: "There are no mistakes. God has good things planned for you." I know, it's just hard to say good bye.

On my way towards Green Bay, I called Robin. We met at Bay Park square mall. For living so close to each other, we haven't spent nearly enough time together! Her kids were SO excited to see Kathleen. Irelynne couldn't wait to push her in her little umbrella stroller. Brady was all about tickling her as we were walking around. THEN he was *toddler cop*. It was hilarious. The three of them were sitting at a small table in the food court. When K was done eating some pretzel, she got up and wandered 2-3 feet over to the little carousel ride. She's never SEEN anything like that! Brady kept jumping up and running over to her, grabbing her arm and walking her back to her seat. It was SO so so so cute! I just love those kids! They are so cute.

The three of them DID get to ride on the carousel. K had been so excited just to sit in the little boat. She had no idea that it actually MOVED. Once it started, though, it was like she was on drugs -- laughing, smiling... just having a GREAT time. Of course, once it STOPPED, it was the END.Of.The.World!!! Crying, screaming, gnashing of teeth... Oh, drama!!! "Auntie" Robin felt sorry for her so she let them all go on it again... ah, joy. :)

We had to race home to let poor Bucky out. He was so comatose from 3 days at "Tailwaggers" that he didn't even notice we were gone almost all day!

In other news... I *love* Craigslist! (So far, anyway!) Ever since I found out we were moving, I'm been watching and hoping that someone would list a jogging stroller for sale. No luck. Nothing much in Appleton but a LOT to choose from in Minneapolis. Thought maybe I'd have to buy one there while I was driving through. TODAY there was a jogging stroller for sale in Idaho Falls. I emailed and she said she'd hold it for me until I arrive on 7/31. I can't wait! I think it will be a smoother/faster ride that both Kathleen & I will enjoy. We tested them out about a month ago at Baby Depot in Burlington Coat Factory. Love them!

There was a HUGE thunderstorm here this evening... K & I had to pick up something at Walmart and got caught in the rain on the way out to the car. She was giggling in the car and thought it was so much fun! Bucky was in the car, waiting for us, and he decided it was NOT that much fun!
We did see a double rainbowon the way home -- beautiful!!!!!!!!

Oh, before we forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JODIE!!!!!

That's all from here.... - Tanya

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thyme for Walking!!

It has been a busy, busy week!

On Thursday, Kathleen went to Hanson's to play with Karen, Melissa and Ava, a little girl 2 months older than Kathleen. Her mom has a new baby at home, so I'm sure it was a nice change of pace for both mom and Ava to have her at Hanson's again. :) Kathleen had met Ava before and had so much fun playing with her! They are literally two peas in a pod!

Since Ava is a great walker (and climber!) Kathleen was motivated to walk more on her own. She's been using the push toy more and more and then letting go to walk for a few steps, but now she is REALLY going! She decided to test out her new skills non-stop this weekend!

We were able to enjoy Chanda's baby shower. We all painted custom-made onesies for Chanda's baby. It was so fun and they turned out so cute! It was great to see great-aunts Marilyn and Janice (and honorary great-aunt Jo), and great-grandma McLeod!

Kathleen loved that auntie Sara was feeding her Skittles while grandma Barb read books to her. Heaven!

We raced over to grandma Kathy's house so we could travel to Parkers Prairie and see great-grandma Barb. Great-uncle Ed and great-aunt Jan were there visiting, so that was an unexpected surprised! She continued to show off her skills in walking. And she decided that, really, she *doesn't* need a nap. Ever.

After walking and playing 'peek-a-boo' at great-grandma's house, she was pretty exhausted. She didn't really want to sleep on the way back to the Twin Cities. She was one tired girl! Really, really, really tired girl!

She slept great when we got to uncle Ken's house. She did wake up at 4 a.m. but decided if she can sleep with mommy & daddy, then she would go back to sleep. Luckily the guest bed at uncle Ken's house is a king-sized sleep number and there was plenty of all 3 of us in there. We never 'co-sleep' with her, so I wasn't sure how any of us would sleep. We were all so tired, it wasn't a problem.

Once we got home today, we decided to make some pizza for supper. I have been growing cilantro, sweet basil and thyme in a porch flower box this summer. I love the cilantro in salsa. I love (!!!!) the sweet basil in just about anything 'Italian'. I wasn't sure about thyme. I guess I never realized what fresh thyme tastes like. It may be my new favorite. Even more than basil. Well, at least they're tied now.

I know that time is quickly running away from me. I am so pleased with how our bedroom looks with the new light blue paint! I think the 4 coats of primer covered the dark green so well that we don't need to put another coat of "Club Soda" blue on. That will be a huge time saver!

This week is all about packing up clothing and some of the items Kathleen & I will need until Todd joins us out in Idaho. A family from church/school has offered to let K & me stay at their home (they have a guest room/bathroom in the basement, it is where Todd & I stayed in June). Since I'm not really bringing any furniture, they wanted me to stay at their home until I find an apt. I'm already feeling very blessed by the generosity of people there!

Once the packing is done, I will being rearranging furniture to "stage" the house so it's more attractive to buyers. I've got a few small changes in mind. I'll try to post some pictures.

Have a wonderful week! - Tanya

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Happiest Toddler

Kathleen has been having some issues lately -- not sure if it's her teeth, a growth spurt, or both. She's been staying up until midnight and then waking up sometime between 2 - 3 a.m. Orajel has helped but she's just still not herself.

Yesterday was very busy. Jodie joined us at Peabody park for the Tues morning playgroup. Most of the playground equipment was designed for older kids so we didn't stay as long as we usually would have stayed. Instead, we went to Barnes and Noble to purchase "The Happiest Toddler on the Block". I liked the handout we received at Lamaze class about "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and had heard positive things about the toddler book, so there I was. I have to say, a lot of what Dr Karp says in the book is what I already do/say to K. I'm not sure if it's just from all the years of working with 1 year olds or what. I did find it good to use certain words repeatedly when she's whining. It has worked well so far today. I also found it helpful that when the repeated words *aren't* working, it probably means she's overly tired or sick. Sure enough, both times when I tried repeating the word or words that I thought she was feeling at that time and she didn't calm down, I put her down for a nap in her crib and she slept. And slept. And slept.

Yesterday after Barnes and Noble, we came back and put on swimsuits. It was so hot and humid, we thought the pool would be fun. Jodie hadn't seen K swim around like a fish. It was very entertaining! We brought her over to the sand area but she didn't really like that. She definitely likes the pool and the things that spray water the best.

After the pool, we went to Stuc's pizza for lunch. I've only had food there twice before but it was always excellent. I wanted to actually eat in the restaurant. The food was fine. Maybe not quite as good as what I've had in the past, but that's OK. We finally got home at 2 p.m. and Kathleen *finally* got to take her nap. She still was awake until midnight!! ARRRRRGH!

Today was so hot and humid. We didn't end up going to the free movie today. We took Bucky for a walk and only managed to go about half our normal route because it was too hot for poor Bucky. Kathleen napped form 10:30-12:30 and again from 2:30 - 5:30 or 6. REALLY! I think she's just catching up from her missed morning nap yesterday! I spent a good part of the morning TSPing the walls in our bedroom and taking around the windows, doors and baseboards. THAT is a tedious job! I did manage to get one coat of primer on the walls before a late lunch. I was working on a second coat when Todd got home. I ran out of primer so that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Tomorrow Kathleen is going to the Hanson's. I think Karen has been going threw 'withdrawal' since her daycare has been closed for the past few weeks this summer. I do hope that one of the kids, Ava, who is close to Kathleen's age, will be able to come over to the Hanson's and play with Kathleen tomorrow. This should give me time to take some stuff out to storage, finish priming the walls and then, hopefully, get at least one coat of "Club Soda" paint on the walls. I hope!

- Tanya

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wrestling moves!!

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Chillaxin' with daddy

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Dining room (after 2)

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Dining Room (after)

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Dining Room (before)


Swimnastics...aka Water-nastics

Well, today I didn't get very much done. I wanted to tape the trim in our bedroom, maybe start priming around the windows/doors, etc. I did manage to move the bookshelf from the office to the dining room, put the curtains back up, set the table to it is "staged" and ready for a buyer to be completely impressed with (I hope!), empty the dishwasher, do some dusting, etc.

Kathleen's fever lasted for about 12 hours and she never had any signs of a virus -- no rash, vomiting, or anything else. Not much eating, a little bit of drinking. I know it had to be something more than just teething, but not sure what. She wants to sleep for 15-30 mins and then snuggle and then run around with her push toy... no long naps for her today. ARGH.

I did get to go to swimnastics tonight from 8-9 p.m. with Jodie, Melissa and Krista at a local high school pool. It was SO fun. I've never done any type of water aerobics before, but I did regular aerobics when I was a junior in college... This was just as intensive but a little easier since it was in the water. Loved it! So sad I'll be leaving in a few weeks! But I'm sure they have something similar available in Idaho Falls.

I just have to say I'm so grateful to my friends from Good Shepherd because I've heard nothing but positive and supportive things about the move to Idaho Falls. I received an email from the head teacher at Hope -- he had been on vacation and purposely didn't check in with anyone about my decision until he came home. He was so happy to hear that we are coming and said it really is an answer to their prayers. I was starting to feel bad about the call because I know just the thought of us moving away is hard on our families. But I never stopped feeling like I was called to be there and that what they need in a principal is what I have to offer. We found an apartment that is about the same sq. footage as our house, so I think we will try to rent for 6-12 months so we can really look for a house that is at a location that works best for both of us (and, including, wherever Kathleen goes to daycare). The only bad thing is that the apartment won't be available until 8/5. I think I can stay in an extended-stay hotel or perhaps with someone from the church. I know there are options out there.

As for Todd, he is keeping SO busy at work. They put a long list of to-do items on his plate for the Annual company meeting that is coming up soon. And, of course, the deadline is Thursday afternoon. I'm happy that I'm home during the day and he doesn't have to worry about coming home for lunch or to let the dog out at lunchtime. He can focus on his work, eat lunch there and get back to work right away. I'm sure he can get everything done. He came home and spent time with Miss "Crabby-Appleton" tonight while I was at "Water-nastics" as he called it. I know they both enjoy daddy-daughter time but I think he gets a better appreciation of how busy she is now and how draining it is when she's whiny.

Here's hoping tomorrow is MUCH happier day. We plan to go to the park with the Good Shepherd playgroup and then, possibly, to the pool. She was SO mad at me tonight when she saw me walk out the door with my swimbag -- and SHE wasn't going along! She's jibber-jabberings a lot more (sometimes with hand gestures -- hilarious!) and breaks into a "Hiiiiii", "Hiiiiiiii", "Mom", "Dad"... even a "Tanya" tonight (I swear!)... If you haven't seen her lately, I'll try to post some video clips of her 'dancing' on dropshots. So funny!

- Tanya

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Goodbye Yellow Room!

Our dining room used to be a yellow color -- "Melted butter", to be technical. It looked really nice with our "eggplant" colored curtains and I loved the color combination. Unfortunately, I know that yellow isn't your usual 'neutral' or popular color, so we set out to paint the room (walls *and* ceiling!) our 'default' neutral color -- Cancun Sand (ivory). Since the yellow was darker than the Cancun Sand, we had to prime the walls first. It took two coats for the yellow to be *mostly* covered. The fumes were awful!

Today I did the children's message at both the 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and then we started to paint the dining room. It was SO breezy out that we opened the windows and it was just great. The breeze helped us keep the fumes to the minimum and helped the paint dry faster. Two coats later, it looks *SO* nice!!! I think that I may move the ivory curtains from the living room into the dining room. I'd like to put the old round table in there to make the room look even better but I'm not sure we want the "nice" table to be in storage. Decisions, decisions!

Next up: prime (ugh) and paint our bedroom upstairs. That's going to be a BIG job. Then prime and paint over the custom-painted border in K's bedroom (wah! I'm so sad because it's so cute!)... We also have to rearrange some of the furniture around the house and move some of the stuff our to storage yet.

So much to do, so little time! I'm also looking forward to Swimnastics on Mondays and Wednesdays (for the next couple of weeks, anyway!). K had a slight fever tonight, so I'm watching for any signs of a virus. The dr's office wasn't concerned, but I just have to keep an eye on it.

Hard to believe the weekend is already over!

- Tanya

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to Todd!

It's Todd's birthday. July 12th has always been a type of 'unofficial' holiday for the Potratz side of my family because it was my grandpa's birthday. Since he was the oldest in his family, we usually had a family reunion/birthday party for him in July. It's a favorite time of year for me.

For Todd's birthday, we had a very exciting day. We went to Home Depot to buy some paint and painting supplies. Then we came home and he installed new items in the bathroom -- towel bar and toilet paper holder -- while I primed the walls and ceiling in the dining room. Kathleen took a LONG nap because she was ex-haust-ed from VBS this past week! When she woke up, she had some raviolis and pineapple for lunch. She was COVERED with sauce -- so cute -- but of course I didn't have my camera near by! She sat in her pack-n-play and 'read' books to her doll and teddy bear. So, so funny!

When we first adopted Bucky, we bought a DVD called "Doggy Sitter" -- it shows animals like squirrels running around and there are "nature sounds" to keep dogs entertained while you're away. Yeah. THAT never happened. Bucky hated it. Kathleen, however, LOVES it. She was *belly laughing* at it. She's not too interested in tv. She's watched "Sesame Street" a couple of times and liked the music. She belly laughed at "Teletubbies" (go figure) and doesn't know what to think of "Mr Rogers". She was never interested in Baby Einstein or Brainy Baby DVDs... but Doggy Sitter is a hit. So entertaining!!!

Tonight Todd, Kathleen & I went out for supper at Good Company here in Appleton. It was a beautiful night and if we hadn't been so tired from our home improvements, we could've just walked over there. K had taken a second nap and then had a bath, so she was ready to mingle. She kept turning towards the people at the next table and offering them some cereal, her sippy cup or her "Who Loves Baby" book. She made sure to wave and blow kisses before we left. She was in full *HAM* mode tonight!

- Tanya

GNO - Chili's

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GNO - Chili's

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Daddy & K at Good Co.

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Happy Birthday Todd!

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