Monday, July 14, 2008

Swimnastics...aka Water-nastics

Well, today I didn't get very much done. I wanted to tape the trim in our bedroom, maybe start priming around the windows/doors, etc. I did manage to move the bookshelf from the office to the dining room, put the curtains back up, set the table to it is "staged" and ready for a buyer to be completely impressed with (I hope!), empty the dishwasher, do some dusting, etc.

Kathleen's fever lasted for about 12 hours and she never had any signs of a virus -- no rash, vomiting, or anything else. Not much eating, a little bit of drinking. I know it had to be something more than just teething, but not sure what. She wants to sleep for 15-30 mins and then snuggle and then run around with her push toy... no long naps for her today. ARGH.

I did get to go to swimnastics tonight from 8-9 p.m. with Jodie, Melissa and Krista at a local high school pool. It was SO fun. I've never done any type of water aerobics before, but I did regular aerobics when I was a junior in college... This was just as intensive but a little easier since it was in the water. Loved it! So sad I'll be leaving in a few weeks! But I'm sure they have something similar available in Idaho Falls.

I just have to say I'm so grateful to my friends from Good Shepherd because I've heard nothing but positive and supportive things about the move to Idaho Falls. I received an email from the head teacher at Hope -- he had been on vacation and purposely didn't check in with anyone about my decision until he came home. He was so happy to hear that we are coming and said it really is an answer to their prayers. I was starting to feel bad about the call because I know just the thought of us moving away is hard on our families. But I never stopped feeling like I was called to be there and that what they need in a principal is what I have to offer. We found an apartment that is about the same sq. footage as our house, so I think we will try to rent for 6-12 months so we can really look for a house that is at a location that works best for both of us (and, including, wherever Kathleen goes to daycare). The only bad thing is that the apartment won't be available until 8/5. I think I can stay in an extended-stay hotel or perhaps with someone from the church. I know there are options out there.

As for Todd, he is keeping SO busy at work. They put a long list of to-do items on his plate for the Annual company meeting that is coming up soon. And, of course, the deadline is Thursday afternoon. I'm happy that I'm home during the day and he doesn't have to worry about coming home for lunch or to let the dog out at lunchtime. He can focus on his work, eat lunch there and get back to work right away. I'm sure he can get everything done. He came home and spent time with Miss "Crabby-Appleton" tonight while I was at "Water-nastics" as he called it. I know they both enjoy daddy-daughter time but I think he gets a better appreciation of how busy she is now and how draining it is when she's whiny.

Here's hoping tomorrow is MUCH happier day. We plan to go to the park with the Good Shepherd playgroup and then, possibly, to the pool. She was SO mad at me tonight when she saw me walk out the door with my swimbag -- and SHE wasn't going along! She's jibber-jabberings a lot more (sometimes with hand gestures -- hilarious!) and breaks into a "Hiiiiii", "Hiiiiiiii", "Mom", "Dad"... even a "Tanya" tonight (I swear!)... If you haven't seen her lately, I'll try to post some video clips of her 'dancing' on dropshots. So funny!

- Tanya

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