Believe it or not...
This isn't my first blog. I had a blog set up in 2003-2005 (before I got married)... some of you will remember there were pictures of my engagement ring on that blog... I just couldn't keep up with it once I got married and moved to WI.
Believe it or not...
I'm excited to get started with blogging again...and I'm hoping that I can make it look better than the one I originally had. That one was functional but it sure wasn't pretty!
Believe it or not...
Todd has a birthday on Saturday!! :) Yea!
Believe it or not...
I'm not dreading repainting the dining room or bedrooms. The small bathroom -- that's another story!
Believe it or not...
I have had a great time at VBS at St. Paul's this week. It's hard to imagine NOT being there next year. Especially with the Chicago trip coming up in May 2009.
Believe it or not...
I'm a little overwhelmed with the idea of packing and moving. I'm so excited to get into an apt, meet some of the daycare options, set up my principal's office...and even the kindergarten room. I think that Marcella and I are going to work off the same lesson plans and just teach our groups separately in the mornings.
Believe it or not...
I can't believe how fun it is to watch Kathleen dance, move around, "sing", "talk", ALMOST walk by herself (well, more and more each day), etc. She has been following along with the action songs for VBS and it is too cute for words.
Believe it or not...
We're going to miss our Good Shepherd friends. I'm jealous that Todd will still be here for a while and will still get to see them all at church.
Believe it or not...
I'm also looking forward to them coming to visit us... and having friends/family come to visit us... and GOING to visit some friends of mine who live in Salt Lake City, UT...
Believe it or not...
I'm also looking forward to being in the same LCMS district as my CSP roommate, Heidi! Yea!
Believe it or not...
Look me up on Facebook, if you haven't already!
Believe it or not...
Have a great night! - Tanya
Hey VBS is awesome this week, eventhough I am tired. Oh well, I can rest up on Saturday. I will truly miss you and peanut. I will miss peanut a lot, but seriously I will miss someone else more. I will miss you Tanya so much that it is bringing tears to my eyes typing this. You are really like a sister to me, and it will be hard not having you around to talk to. But I know you will only be an email away, and you have to do what is right for you and yours. I support you and Ryan does as well, 150%. I will miss our talks and laughs that brings us to tears with laughing so hard. We have a great time together.
I think I have Ryan convinced to come out sometime to visit you guys. I told him, when Todd was in the kitchen at Ken and Jen's, that he will have to come out there and show Todd what to do with fishing. And teach him stuff. Todd also said that he will ask around for the hot spots. And Ryan seemed to have his interests peeked. You guys truly are awesome friends to have.
I will miss looking after peanut. She is such a good munchkin, eventhough she is freaking out with me this week. Thinking you are leaving her with me. I also know her teeth are killing her. And she is extremely tired.
Oh hey, if you need help painting let me know. You can put me to work. I am there for you to help. Don't hesitate to take me up on my offer. If two people work at it, it will get done quicker. And think of this, we will have an awesome time painting. Paint fumes and laughter! What a combination. Talk to you soon! Very proud of the blog.
We'll miss you guys! But with the blog it should be easy to stay in touch! Now we have a reason to travel out west.
Welcome (back) to the world of blogging! There will definitely be a hole in the Young Adult and Scrap-and-Craft groups without you guys here. At the same time, we are excited for your family. Life is a journey that God is taking us on, and He says that Idaho needs you. When He talks, we listen.
I am so proud of you and will miss you TONS, and now I'm crying...
Keep in touch. Isaiah and Kathleen are goint to love seeing pictures of them together as babies when they are reunited. :-)
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