Friday, July 25, 2008

35 reasons why Thurs was, um, "fun"...

I had been up since 3:30 a.m. when K woke up screaming (eyes closed). Night terror?

1) Todd & I take both vehicles to the auto repair place. Drop off the CRV (they aren't open yet & have no drop box)
2) Take Todd to work (about 10 mins from there)
3) Go back to auto repair place to drop off the key. Little old man is working there. K is FLIRTING UP A STORM with him. Hilarious.
4) Go to opposite side of town (b/c we were close to the freeway) to buy bolt cutter at Home Depot. (We lost both keys to the MasterLock on Monday).
5) Go to storage unit (other side of town). Try to use bolt cutter. Am pathetically weak.
6) Go to the Home Depot that is closer to storage unit. K flirts up a storm with the two ladies at the Returns register. Hilarious.
7) Drop off items at Goodwill.
8) Nearly get run off the road by huge SUV on my way to the post office. Sticker on back says "Michigan school of engineering." I'm thinking, "Maybe you should engineer a way to get your HEAD out of ..." Nevermind...
9) Get to post office. Wrestle K into umbrella stroller, grab two huge boxes and a package to mail. Barely make it into the building. Engineering SUV lady walks in right behind us.
10) Go to library to pay a fine. Engineering SUV lady walks in (I'm NOT kidding) as we're walking out.
11) Come home. Cut the grass. K is in her umbrella stroller in the driveway, clapping, waving, laughing. Mommy is SOOOO hilarious.
12) Come inside. Pack. Check email. Pack. Check email. (We're asking people if they're interested in adopting Bucky. Not sure if he'll make the trip out there OR if we'd be able to find someplace to rent that will allow BIG dogs.) Deal with dog who is mad he's inside instead of outside. Deal with overly tired, clingy toddler.
Fun fun!
13) Put K down for nap. Phone rings.
14) Feed K lunch. Won't eat.
15) Put K down for nap. Phone rings.
16) Give up on naps altogether.
17) Race to Neenah/Theda Clark Hospital to meet with ENT dr. Put the dog in the car because the appt is only supposed to take 5-10 mins. We get there at 3 for a 3:15 appt.
(Rolled down the windows in car for the dog)
18) Am informed that dr is still in surgery. No idea when he'll be done.
19) Wait for 15 mins, then inform them I NEED to take my dog home and I'll be back in 30 mins or so.
20) Audiologist comes out to test her hearing at that point. Everything is GREAT.
21) Wait.
K plays with toys, walks around, blows kisses/waves to the few people waiting in the room. They all eat it up.
22) Go into exam room. Nurse takes info.
23) Wait.
24) Dr finally comes in, looks in both ears, says it looks 'perfect' and says to come back in a few months.
I inform him that we're moving. He says, "Oh, let us know if we need to forward her files anywhere." Super.
25) Swing by McD's because K is STARVING and crabby. She inhales 2 chicken nuggets. She holds them like they are sandwiches (w/both hands) when she eats them. SO super cute!
26) Go to pay for Todd's vehicle. Put K & Bucky in Todd's vehicle (more room than the Civic)
27) Go to Todd's work to pick him up. He says Co-worker's going-away party is still going on. (My cell phone is completely dead at this point).
28) Go home. See TWO FIRETRUCKS and FOUR police cars on our block. Barely room to get into our driveway.
29) K is finally asleep in the car, so I roll down windows and leave her there to ask neighbors what happened.
30) Someone -- either drunk or seizures -- raced down our street at 40 mph or so and struck a power pole 2 house down the street from our house. No power. No Cable. No way to call Todd!
31) Neighbor let me use his cell phone to call Todd. (Just wanted to set a time to pick him up later since he couldn't call me) He said, "Just come pick me up now,"

BUT I just got home!


32) Go BACK to Todd's work...
33) Get home.
34) Tired, crabby toddler makes packing impossible. We're all tired and crabby around here at this point.
35) I run away to go to water aerobics. Barely. Todd distracts K in the swing outside.

But it was worth it because swimnastics outside was AWESOME. I have so much fun there with my peeps. ;)


1 comment:

Becky said...

What a day! I love you entertaining post. I'll have to watch our for the engineering lady, even though it sounds like she's stalking you...